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Writer's pictureKathryn Stagg

The Danger in Construction Zones

Updated: Dec 16, 2019

Signs Indicating Construction Up Ahead

As drivers, it can be tempting to think of construction zones purely in terms of the time they add to our commute or the inconvenience they cause us. But for those road workers who are labouring on the road, it's likely their perspective on traffic in construction zones is more focused on the danger. The statistics featured in an article by Roads & Bridges, recently released by the Associated General Contractors (AGC), are startling, with 67% of highway contractors reporting that motor vehicles have crashes into their work zones in the past year.

"AGC said for the contractors who reported incidents on their projects, 70% said the crashes resulted in motor-vehicle operator or passenger injuries. Additionally 28% of those crashes resulted in a fatality for a driver or a passenger."

The results of the study have had an impact, with a nationwide outreach campaign to make construction zones safer for workers underway. But for those outside of the United States, hopefully the impact of this new research will be felt too. The inconveniences caused by construction are ultimately minor, but the consequences of unsafe driving practices around construction zones and road workers can be far reaching.

A more detailed summary of the findings in the AGC report can be found in the article by Roads & Bridges.


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